Thursday, January 12, 2012

2011 is extraordinary!

Unusual manifestations of the Holy Spirit began on the 7th of April last year. Members came under the power of the Holy Spirit, drunk in the Spirit, sang in the Spirit, rolled, trembled, shouted, and laughed uncontrollably. Some went on for hours, seeing visions, receiving revelations, and a few were brought to the third heaven and saw angels of six wings. After which, their lives kept on changing for the better. Some were healed from serious emotional wounds. Most members have a close walk with God daily. Many became zealous to bring people to God. Some love to minister healing at work place, campus, and hospital.

Such unusual manifestations of the Holy Spirit continued. Ever since, the tangible presence of God has been very strong in every gatherings like Praise Celebration, Revival Service, House of Prayer for All Nations, Sectional Gathering, Discipleship Program, Children Church, and Youth Church. People who have newly believed in Christ feel belonged to our church very quickly. Members became very supportive to one another, looking forward to all meetings, and are reluctant to leave after attending the meetings.

In my more than twenty years of itinerary ministry to churches, I have seen many times such strong manifestations of the Holy Spirit in camps, special meetings, and conferences but few churches could keep the outpourings over a short period of time. We wondered whether these experiences for the past nine months are considered a revival. If it is a revival, we love to have the revival to stay always. We sought the Holy Spirit on how to keep the revival fire burning and to burn stronger. He showed me through the Scripture that by practicing deep soaking in His manifestation, going forth to do kingdom works, and maintaining an environment of grace in the church, the revival will continue. God has also provided us the right books, podcasts, and speakers for us to learn how to keep the revival. Rather unusual, He has brought into Singapore and Malaysia in seven months seven established fivefold ministers like Randy Clarke, Tom Jones, Patricia King, James Goll, David Newberry, Rodney Howard Browne, and Che Ahn to impart to us their understandings of revival and the anointing they carry. The entire church and many from The Vine Sanctuary attended the Asia Ablaze conference in the Putra Indoor Stadium when Rodney Howard Browne and David Newberry, timely brought in by Oliver Tham, ministered powerfully in the Holy Spirit.

During our four-day Wind & Fire church camp on Cameron Highland, the Holy Spirit moved mightily even before I and Pastor Gloria could finish preaching in each of the six sessions. Many were deeply drunk in the Spirit. Some members were overtaken by the Holy Spirit to minister. Very powerful restoration and deliverance also took place. Almost every person has experienced the whirlwind of revival and the fire of consecration of the Holy Spirit.

A few members had received visions and prophecies confirming our decision to rent the next shop for expanding our premise. Members gave generously and sacrificially to the renovation work, buying of new chairs, replacing of drum set, and the adding of sound and projection equipment.

From revivals in church history, it was common for the fire of the Holy Spirit to spread from a center to other places and the manifestations of the Holy Spirit did not solely rely on one particular servant of God. To test it out, I wished and also prayed for opportunities to take the fire to other places and the fire of the Holy Spirit burns the same when we have a guest speaker. In my two consecutive preaching and ministering (together with Pastor Gloria) in the Christian Fellowship of TAR College, the Holy Spirit gave deep restoration to many of the campus students who attended. When Oliver Tham was ministering in World Harvest Church, among the people who responded, a visitor came under the power of the Holy Spirit, received Christ, baptized in the Spirit, set free, and had a glory-encounters. Same type of revival had spread to The Vine Sanctuary at Bandar Sunway two weeks after April the 7th, 2011 out pouring, during the Vision Day & Church Prayer that I was leading. It continued week by week with healings and life transformations, especially among the young people.

As God has brought us the long awaited revival, we are looking forward for God to take us further from this initial stage of the outpouring to establish World Harvest Church and The Vine Sanctuary for spreading His fire beyond Wangsa Maju and Sunway areas. We will continue to practice corporate deep soaking in the River Glory of the Holy Spirit and to practice doing kingdom works weekly in both churches for God’s will to be done to transform the earth as it is in heaven.

We are indeed very close to a season of global harvest of peoples.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

God’s Grace is so Rich!

The first seven months in 2009 of settling in to the Subang Jaya-USJ-Sunway area and The Vine Sanctuary for a re-digging of a well of the Holy Spirit has also reconnected me with the fast developments of Kuala Lumpur and of Klang Valley which I had lost touched with for a rather long time, mainly due to eleven years of focusing on reaching the 3km radius area of World Harvest Church, conducting twelve intakes of the Apostolic Program, and ministering frequently in some churches.

Approaching the end of July 2009, I yielded to an unusually strong sense of urgency to do a major editing, writing, and repackaging of my teaching materials to fulfil a desire since my early years in the ministry. I had wanted so much to use a set of discipleship curriculum that will train the newly born again believers systematically until they can help grow a local church to fulfil the Great Commission. By checking with my teaching materials of thirty-years of ministering, recalling relevant experiences, and flowing with the unction of the Holy Spirit for teaching, I had finally completed the task in over seven months of labouring under the grace of God.

Very soon, on March 7, 2010 we welcomed the local and international participants for the Apostolic Program Intake 12. I found new strength to teach two sessions in the morning and two in the night for two weeks. I marvelled over the grace of God, which not only had come on me but also on my whole team. Once again I saw the apostolic grace from God was poured out mightily to change the lives and ministry of many participants. Deep in my heart I knew this was beyond my human ability.

Testimonies from alumni of all the intakes have just marvelled us over and over, and fuelled us to faithful stewardship further and labour more lovingly.

Some alumni, now friends and partners in the global move of God, have experienced a major spiritual breakthrough in their life and the rekindling of zeal for their ministries. Some came back two, three, or even four times to this place; where it is like the terebinth trees, under which Abraham had met with God again and again.

My team worked so hard in hosting the Intake 12 and at the same time making sure World Harvest Church and The Vine Sanctuary were still going on well. God is so good, a few days after the closing of Intake 12, He sent a kind soul to bless the World Harvest team with a holiday at a cosy resort at Port Dickson. It was a fun time for us, beautiful scenery, sunset, delicious food, and exciting outing together. My wife, Gloria, raced a ‘go-cart’! We also ride on the ‘seg-way’.

After a few days, World Harvest Church went into a one-month partial fasting (some were on full fast for some days) to seek the Lord. On April 6, we resumed the in-house on-the-job kind of training for the pastors and ministry trainees. This time, we opened it to some from The Vine Sanctuary, and an associate from Ipoh. I could see the grace of God was on the training; there was just an unexplainable excitement and expectation in the air every time.

In May, I went on-site apostolic intercession twice. A twelve-hour trip with two in the team has covered six major towns along the southern journey. Another five-day trip with Gloria has covered nine major towns along the northern journey until the Thai border. God’s grace was so rich while we were at the spiritual frontier.

Eleven months of serving under the grace of God required some weeks of resting in the presence of God, to be strengthened in the spirit, soul, and body. Hearing God speaking during my major review of all the rhema words, prophecies, dreams, visions, and learning had led me to make a few big adjustments in my life and ministry to fulfil God’s call better. We are busy updating our website to portray some new adjustments. Two of which are on-the-job pastoral training and extending the Apostolic Program to be online.

I treasure your love, prayers, and support for moving ahead with our Heavenly Father.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Suddenly… !

This is the word I can use to describe what has happened for the past six weeks after the Apostolic Program Intake 11. Things have really worked out for good so fast and so suddenly.

I have known in my heart that the time of sending is coming, but I never imagined it came so quickly and so suddenly. Naturally, I prefer things to be done after some reasonable time of good planning, a proper preparation of the heart of people, and a fixing of the most suitable time for launching. As I work with God this so many years, there are times God does things suddenly but they have always worked out for good both according to His will and also for our benefit. Though things may not fall into place as we like them to be, God's ways is certainly higher than ours.

After choosing the twelve disciples, training them for almost three years, Christ died on the cross for sinners and did not wait for the Twelve to fully understand why He had to bear the sin of the world, to be nailed unjustly on the cross, and to be resurrected. Christ knew better what He was doing. After the resurrection, He appeared to the disciples who were confused and discouraged, and ordered them to wait at Jerusalem for a heavenly empowering to populate the gospel in the whole world. Then, another suddenly happened—

"And suddenly there came a sound from heaven, as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting. Then there appeared to them divided tongues, as of fire, and one sat upon each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance" Acts 1:2-4 (NKJV).

The discouraged and disoriented disciples were energized with the power of the Holy Spirit and were transformed into the great apostles, starting the first church to begin the process of taking the world for Christ!

For me and World Harvest Church, we have entered into another stage of ministry progress. Many of our hearts and emotions are not well prepared for it. Things seem to fall off guard but were not disastrous and damaging. For we see the great grace of God is falling down on us to keep things moving on in perfect order and timing. We witnessed Pr. Kenneth and Pr. Sharon being sent out by the Lord to extend His kingdom at Penang while at the same time He sent me to establish another church according to the ways He has taught us. Both of them managed to sell off their apartment within three days of advertising it and are now able to rent a nice apartment in Penang with a good bargain. The favor of God is with them! At the early years of starting this church, God gave revelations to some people that churches would come to join us. I had no idea and no leading of how it would take place. I just had to put these revelations in my KIV cupboard and pray. Now it has come to pass, a church which I helped for a period of I think six years, in the pioneering and starting stage some sixteen to seventeen years ago has reconnected with me again after many years of losing contact with each other. With prayers, revelations, and confirmations on both sides, so quickly I had taken up the challenge to accept the senior pastor position of The Vine Sanctuary at Bandar Sunway. I had spoken partly of my vision during their preplanned leadership camp and some leaders came to join our A Day in the Secret Place.

If the Lord doesn't build the house, the builders are working for nothing. If the Lord doesn't guard the city, the guards are watching for nothing. Psalms 127:1 (NCV)

When the Lord is leading, we will move with Him. Facing many 'suddenlies', all that we need to do is to agree with Him, make ourselves available, take a step at a time, plan whatever we can, and make necessary adjustments. The grace of God will fall as we take the first step of faith and we will have grace upon grace along the journey of faith to faith. Let us as a church rise up together in courage and embrace the new things that the Lord is pouring over us.

"No one has ever seen this, and no one has ever heard about it. No one has ever imagined what God has prepared for those who love him." — 1 Corinthians 2:9 (NCV)

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

About Us

I realized God has called me to serve Him as my life time vocation soon after I was born again in 1970. I entered the ministry full-time in 1979 after attending a bible school. After some years of struggles and learning, I surrendered my life to God to function under His grace in the apostolic, teaching, and pastoral gifts for equipping believers to extend the works of the Holy Spirit. God has opened doors for me to travel widely and to minister in cities and interior villages in Malaysia and also other nations to co-labor with churches in preaching, teaching, and ministering.

GloryWord Seminar which was registered in 1988, operates the Ministry Training Institute to provide trainings for believers to meet the spiritual needs of people with the power of the Holy Spirit. MTI has conducted 21 Mobile Schools on “Serving in the Spirit” since 1991.

The Apostolic Program (formerly known as a 100-hour Intensive Program) of MTI began in 1999 in response to what the Lord had spoken to my understanding and confirmed by prophecies. This program offers an abbreviated, cost-effective, and time-maximizing format of ministry training. It has trained 517 ministers brought by the Lord from 29 nations (Bolivia, Cameroon, China, Ghana, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Madagascar, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nigeria, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Rwanda, Singapore, Solomon Islands, South Africa, Sri Lanka, St. Lucia, Sudan, Swaziland, Tanzania, Togo, Uganda, and Zambia).

MTI also offers hands-on training for pastoral ministry since World Harvest Church started in 1997, to equip members who have received a vocational calling from God into the ministry to acquire the skills of ministering healing, handling deliverance, restoring broken lives, teaching believers, mentoring disciples, and directing a church towards growth. World Harvest Church began with a vision of winning people in the community by the gospel and to mentor believers to accomplish the Great Commission. We are developing as an apostolic church built on spiritual gifts to demonstrate God's kingdom, to provide pastoral care for members through a network of cell groups, and to train members to fulfil the church vision with a six-part Discipleship Program (Foundation 100 series).

I am serving as the Senior Pastor of the church. Gloria and I are married for 26 years. She teaches, ministers, and mentor disciples. Our two sons, Jason 24 and Daniel 20, are serving God full-time together with us.